This is HRM MCQs section with detailed explanations for preparation of screening tests, interviews for government jobs. In this section candidate will learn MCQs on variety of topics from the subject.
Human Relations Management
Humanistic Resource Management
Human Resource Management
Human Resourceful Management
See Answer
Added By: Ak Aamir
: Human Resource Management
: N/A
Labour Relations
Personnel Management
Industrial Management
All of the above
: All of the above
Recruitment and Selection
Pay and Reward
Employee Relations
: Accounting
Organizations are now less hierarchical in nature
Organizations are now generally focusing upon domestic rather than international matters
Organizations have adopted more flexible norms
Organizations have been subject to a raft of organizational change programs
: Organizations are now generally focusing upon domestic rather than international matters
Employee oriented
Employer oriented
Legally oriented
None of the above
: Employee oriented
Retirement and separation of employees
HR training and development
Industrial relations
A Staff function
A line function
A staff function, line function and accounting function
: A Staff function
Personal objectives
Functional objectives
Organisational and social objectives
Retirement of employees
Manpower planning
Training of employees
Maintenance of accounts
: Maintenance of accounts
Short-term Human Resource Management
Strategic Human Resource Management
Strategestic Human Resource Management
Strategic Humane Resource Management
: Strategic Human Resource Management
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11 February: Sukkur IBA University
11 February: Daanish Schools Govt of Punjab
11 February: Balochistan Labour and Manpower Department Govt of Balochistan
11 February: Industries Commerce & Investment Department Govt of the Punjab
11 February: District Headquarters Hospital
11 February: University of Swabi