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Islamiat Mcqs with Answers

This is Islamic studies / Islamiat MCQs section with detailed explanations for preparation of screening tests, interviews for government jobs. In this section candidate will learn MCQs on variety of topics from the subject.

  1. 41 Namaz-e-Istisqa" is prayer for
    1. Blessing of God

    2. Pardon

    3. Rain

    4. Sleep

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin Mcqsforum

  2. 42 Who is called "saqi zam zam"
    1. Hazrat Abbas (RA)

    2. Hazrat Hamzah (RA)

    3. Hazrat Muaz bin Jabal (RA)

    4. Hazrat Muawiyah (RA)

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin Mcqsforum

  3. 43 What is the number of Ramzan in the Islamic Calender
    1. 8th

    2. 9th

    3. 10th

    4. 11th

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin Mcqsforum

  4. 44 Give the name, who compiled first work of Hadith "Sahifa-e-Sadiqa."
    1. Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA)

    2. Imam Muslim (RA)

    3. Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr (RA)

    4. Hazrat Abu Hurairah (RA)

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin Mcqsforum

  5. 45 Who advised Abu Bakr (R.A) to compile the Quran
    1. Hazrat Umar (R.A)

    2. Hazrat Uthman (R.A)

    3. Hazrat Ali (R.A)

    4. Hazrat Zaid (R.A)

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin Mcqsforum

  6. 46 The Prophet made Hazrat Muaaz bin Jabal the Governor of
    1. Kufa

    2. Makkah

    3. Kuwait

    4. Yemen

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin Mcqsforum

  7. 47 Who are the 'Sahibain'
  8. 48 Hajj is not completed unless you go to
    1. Makkah

    2. Medina

    3. Mina

    4. Arafat

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin Mcqsforum

  9. 49 The foundation of Bait Ul-Hikmah was laid down during
    1. Abbasid Period

    2. Ummayad Dynasty

    3. Fatmid

    4. Sub-Continent

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin Mcqsforum

  10. 50 What was Hazrat Yousaf (AS)'s age,When he was thrown into a well by his brothers
    1. 12

    2. 10

    3. 15

    4. 11

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin Mcqsforum