MCQsForum - MCQS, GK,Current Affairs Pakistan

Medical MCQs with Answers

This is medical MCQs section with detailed explanations for preparation of screening tests, interviews for government jobs. In this section candidate will learn MCQs on variety of topics from the subject.

  1. 31 CSF is partly absorbed by lymphatics around _________ cranial nerves?
    1. I,II, VII, VIII

    2. I,II, VI, VII


    4. I,II,VI,VIII

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin

  2. 32 Sella tursica lies above_______________?
    1. Pons

    2. Frontal sinus

    3. Foramen ovale

    4. Sphenoidal sinus

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin

  3. 33 Nucleus in brain common to IX, X and XI cranial nerves____________?
    1. Nucleus solitarius

    2. Nucleus ambiguous

    3. Dentate nucleus

    4. Red nucleus

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin

  4. 34 In adults, the spinal cord normal ends at______________?
  5. 35 Visual cortex is present in the_____________?
    1. Occipital lobe

    2. Temporal lobe

    3. Frontal lobe

    4. Parietal lobe

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin

  6. 36 Part of the heart lying in front of oesophagus_____________?
    1. Left atrium

    2. Left ventricle

    3. Right ventricle

    4. Right atrium

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    Added By: Admin

  7. 37 Level III neck nodes are____________?
  8. 38 ? Dacryocystitis? is interruption in drainage of________________?
    1. Submandibular gland

    2. Parotid gland

    3. Lacrimal gland

    4. Sublingual gland

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    Added By: Admin

  9. 39 The anatomical division in the right middle lobe of lung is______________?
  10. 40 Elastic cartilage is found in_________________?
    1. Auditory tube

    2. Nasal septum

    3. Articular cartilage

    4. Costal cartilage

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin