MCQsForum - MCQS, GK,Current Affairs Pakistan

Medical MCQs with Answers

This is medical MCQs section with detailed explanations for preparation of screening tests, interviews for government jobs. In this section candidate will learn MCQs on variety of topics from the subject.

  1. 41 Holocrine secretion is seen in_____________?
    1. Salivary

    2. Mammary

    3. Sebaceous glands

    4. Gastric

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin

  2. 42 Haversian system is seen in______________?
    1. Cortical bone

    2. Cancellous bone

    3. Teeth

    4. Nail

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin

  3. 43 In a cross section of thorax at T4 , which is found__________________?
    1. Azygos vein

    2. Brachiocephalic artery

    3. Arch of aorta

    4. Left Subclavian

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin

  4. 44 Sympathetic innervation of heart is by_______________?
    1. T1 ? T3

    2. T2 ? T6

    3. T3 ? T7

    4. L1 ? L5

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin

  5. 45 Space of Disse is seen in______________?
    1. Spleen

    2. Kidney

    3. Liver

    4. Small intestine

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin

  6. 46 Bundle of HIS is________________?
  7. 47 The lingual surface of epiglottis is lined by_______________?
  8. 48 What is the type of joint between the ossicles of ear ?
  9. 49 The receptor cells of the olfactory epithelium are__________________?
    1. Bipolar neurons

    2. Unipolar neurons

    3. Multipolar neurons

    4. Stellate cells

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin

  10. 50 Which cells are not present in cerebral cortex ?
    1. Purkinje

    2. Stellate

    3. Cajal

    4. Pyramidal

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin