This is medical MCQs section with detailed explanations for preparation of screening tests, interviews for government jobs. In this section candidate will learn MCQs on variety of topics from the subject.
Choroid plexus
Cerebral veins
Arachnoid villi
Emissary veins
See Answer
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: Arachnoid villi
: N/A
Endothelial cells
: Oligodendrocytes
Deep cervical fascia
Fascia lata
Masseteric fascia
Stylomandibular ligament
: Masseteric fascia
Cords of billroth
Hassal?s corpuscles
Lymphatic nodules
While pulp
: Lymphatic nodules
: Amphiarthroses
Maxillary and mandibular
Maxillary and median nasal
Maxillary mandibular lateral nasal and median nasal
Mandibular and median nasal
: Maxillary mandibular lateral nasal and median nasal
Pharyneal arch
Buccopharyngeal membrane
Rathke?s pouch
Mandibular process
: Buccopharyngeal membrane
Fusion of lateral nasal process with maxillary process
Fusion of median nasal process with maxillary process
Fusion of median and lateral nasal process
None of the above
: Fusion of median nasal process with maxillary process
1st,2nd ,3rd bronchial arches
1st ,3rd, 5th bronchial arches
1st ,3rd, 4th bronchial arches
1st, 4th, 5th bronchial arches
: 1st ,3rd, 4th bronchial arches
Otic capsule
Styloid bone
Hyoid cartilage
: Otic capsule
Lets create some mock tests based on your upcoming test's criteria and evaluate your preparation. This will allow you to identify your weak areas and improve them in time.
11 February: Sukkur IBA University
11 February: Daanish Schools Govt of Punjab
11 February: Balochistan Labour and Manpower Department Govt of Balochistan
11 February: Industries Commerce & Investment Department Govt of the Punjab
11 February: District Headquarters Hospital
11 February: University of Swabi