MCQsForum - MCQS, GK,Current Affairs Pakistan

Medical MCQs with Answers

This is medical MCQs section with detailed explanations for preparation of screening tests, interviews for government jobs. In this section candidate will learn MCQs on variety of topics from the subject.

  1. 71 1st arch artery is_________________?
    1. Maxillary artery

    2. Mandibular artery

    3. Carotid artery

    4. Stapedial artery

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin

  2. 72 The period of embryo extends_______________?
  3. 73 Failure of descent of thyroid analage can be seen in the tongue_________________?
  4. 74 Development of palate beings at the age of________________?
    1. 4 weeks

    2. 6 weeks

    3. 13 weeks

    4. 18 weeks

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin

  5. 75 Maximum oral structures are having their origin from___________________?
    1. Ectoderm

    2. Mesoderm

    3. Endoderm

    4. None of the above

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin

  6. 76 Which is not formed from the cartilaginous part of viscerocranium ?
    1. Sphenoid

    2. Vomer

    3. Zygoma

    4. Lacrimal

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin

  7. 77 Imbilical cord contains_________________?
  8. 78 Palate is formed from:
  9. 79 Which of the following is NOT true about paramedian pits _______________?
  10. 80 Embryologically hard palate develop from________________?