This is Pakistan studies MCQs section with detailed explanations for preparation of screening tests, interviews for government jobs. In this section candidate will learn MCQs on variety of topics from the subject.
11th August 1973
14th August 1973
17th August 1973
21st August 1973
See Answer
Added By: Ak Aamir
: 14th August 1973
: N/A
Gen. Tikka Khan
Gen. Ahsan Khan
Gen. Mansoor Khan
Gen Yahya Khan
: Gen Yahya Khan
26th March 1969
29th March 1969
4th April 1969
14th April 1969
: 26th March 1969
: Presidential
9th January 1962
6th February 1962
13th March 1962
8th June 1962
: 8th June 1962
May 1958
June 1958
October 1958
December 1958
: October 1958
Both a & b
: Both a & b
Ayub Khan
Tikka Khan
Iskander Mirza
Yahya Khan
: Iskander Mirza
He may be a Muslim
He must not be Hindu
He must not be Christian
He must be a Muslim ( this condition applicable only on president. pm may be non-muslim)
: He must be a Muslim
United States of Pakistan
Republic of Pakistan
Islamic Pakistan
Islamic Republic of Pakistan
: Islamic Republic of Pakistan
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11 February: Sukkur IBA University
11 February: Daanish Schools Govt of Punjab
11 February: Balochistan Labour and Manpower Department Govt of Balochistan
11 February: Industries Commerce & Investment Department Govt of the Punjab
11 February: District Headquarters Hospital
11 February: University of Swabi