MCQsForum - MCQS, GK,Current Affairs Pakistan

Pak Studies MCQs with Answers

This is Pakistan studies MCQs section with detailed explanations for preparation of screening tests, interviews for government jobs. In this section candidate will learn MCQs on variety of topics from the subject.

  1. 1341 What age was prescribed for President in 1956 constitution
    1. 40 years

    2. 45 years

    3. 50 years

    4. 55 years

    See Answer

    Added By: Ak Aamir

  2. 1342 Who was the Prime Minister of Pakistan during enforcement of first constitution
  3. 1343 When first constitution of Pakistan was enforced
    1. 8th June 1956

    2. 23rd March 1956

    3. 14th August 1956

    4. 25th December 1956

    See Answer

    Added By: Ak Aamir

  4. 1344 Who was Mohammad Ali Bogra
    1. Prime Minister

    2. Foreign Minister

    3. Law Minister

    4. Parliament Minister

    See Answer

    Added By: Ak Aamir

  5. 1345 What is the other name of Mohammad Ali Bogra Formula
    1. New Law of Pakistan

    2. Pakistan Report

    3. Third Report

    4. Constitutional Formula

    See Answer

    Added By: Ak Aamir

  6. 1346 When the Constituent Assembly passed the Objective Resolution
    1. 14th February 1949

    2. 12th March 1949

    3. 9th June 1949

    4. 15th August 1949

    See Answer

    Added By: Ak Aamir

  7. 1347 When Mohammad Ali Bogra presented Bogra Formula in the assembly
    1. January 1953

    2. April 1953

    3. September 1953

    4. October 1953

    See Answer

    Added By: Ak Aamir

  8. 1348 What document was firstly drafted to give pace to constitution making process
    1. Representative Act

    2. Pakistan Act

    3. Independence Act

    4. Objective Resolution

    See Answer

    Added By: Ak Aamir

  9. 1349 Who was the first President of the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan
  10. 1350 After how many years Pakistan got its first constitution
    1. 5 years

    2. 7 years

    3. 9 years

    4. 11 years

    See Answer

    Added By: Ak Aamir