This is Pakistan studies MCQs section with detailed explanations for preparation of screening tests, interviews for government jobs. In this section candidate will learn MCQs on variety of topics from the subject.
40 years
45 years
50 years
55 years
See Answer
Added By: Ak Aamir
: 40 years
: N/A
Mohammad Ali Bogra
Khwaja Nazim Uddin
Choudhry Mohammad Ali
Ibrahim Ismail Chundrigar
: Choudhry Mohammad Ali
8th June 1956
23rd March 1956
14th August 1956
25th December 1956
: 23rd March 1956
Prime Minister
Foreign Minister
Law Minister
Parliament Minister
: Prime Minister
New Law of Pakistan
Pakistan Report
Third Report
Constitutional Formula
: Constitutional Formula
14th February 1949
12th March 1949
9th June 1949
15th August 1949
: 12th March 1949
January 1953
April 1953
September 1953
October 1953
: October 1953
Representative Act
Pakistan Act
Independence Act
Objective Resolution
: Objective Resolution
Liaquat Ali Khan
Moulvi Tameez-ud-Din
Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar
: Quaid-e-Azam
5 years
7 years
9 years
11 years
: 9 years
Lets create some mock tests based on your upcoming test's criteria and evaluate your preparation. This will allow you to identify your weak areas and improve them in time.
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11 February: Sukkur IBA University
11 February: Daanish Schools Govt of Punjab
11 February: Balochistan Labour and Manpower Department Govt of Balochistan
11 February: Industries Commerce & Investment Department Govt of the Punjab
11 February: District Headquarters Hospital
11 February: University of Swabi