This is Pakistan studies MCQs section with detailed explanations for preparation of screening tests, interviews for government jobs. In this section candidate will learn MCQs on variety of topics from the subject.
Build Back Happier
Changing Course and Transforming Education
End racism Build peace
See Answer
Added By: admin
: End racism Build peace
: 1
: $85
: Pakistan
Black Lives Matter
Civil Rights movement
Climate Change Movement
Extinction Rebellion
: Black Lives Matter
Added By: Lutufullah
: 1916
14th Aug 1947
15th Aug 1947
16th Aug 1947
17th Aug 1947
Added By: Admin Mcqsforum
: 15th Aug 1947
: Muhammad Ali Jinnah became the first governor general of Pakistan. He remained governor general till September 11, 1948 that is when he died.
Liaquat Ali Khan
Khwaja Nazimuddin
Mohammad Ali Bogra
Ghulam Mohammad
: Liaquat Ali Khan
: Nawabzada Liaquat Ali Khan (born October 1895 - 16 October 1951), widely known as Quaid-e-Millat (Leader of the Nation) and Shaheed-e-Millat, was one of the leading founding fathers of Pakistan, statesman, lawyer, and political theorist who became and served as the first Prime Minister of Pakistan; in addition, he also held cabinet portfolio as the first foreign, defence, and the frontier regions minister from 1947 until his assassination in 1951
: 04
: The Governor-General of Pakistan, was the representative in Pakistan of the British monarch, from the country's independence in 1947. When Pakistan was proclaimed a republic in 1956, the office of governor-general was abolished.
30th Aug 1947
15th Sep 1947
30th Sep 1947
: 30th Sep 1947
: Pakistan officially joined the United Nations (UN) on 30 September 1947 just over a month after its independence from the British Empire. Today, it is a charter member and participates in all of the UN's specialised agencies and organisations.
: Afghanistan
: Afghanistan was against Pakistan's admission to the United Nations in 1948 due to the Durand Line issue.
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11 February: Sukkur IBA University
11 February: Daanish Schools Govt of Punjab
11 February: Balochistan Labour and Manpower Department Govt of Balochistan
11 February: Industries Commerce & Investment Department Govt of the Punjab
11 February: District Headquarters Hospital
11 February: University of Swabi