MCQsForum - MCQS, GK,Current Affairs Pakistan

Pak Studies MCQs with Answers

This is Pakistan studies MCQs section with detailed explanations for preparation of screening tests, interviews for government jobs. In this section candidate will learn MCQs on variety of topics from the subject.

  1. 71 In which year Mr. Mohammad Khan Junejo was appointed as Prime Minister
    1. 1983

    2. 1984

    3. 1985

    4. 1986

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin Mcqsforum

  2. 72 Among the following which law was introduced by Ayub Khan
    1. Family Laws

    2. Prisoners Laws

    3. War Laws

    4. Hudood Ordinance

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin Mcqsforum

  3. 73 Among following what was introduced by Gen. Zia
    1. PLS Account

    2. Hudood Ordinance

    3. Both of them

    4. None of them

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin Mcqsforum

  4. 74 When a C-130 plane carrying Gen. Zia crashed near Bahawalpur
    1. 15th August 1988

    2. 16th August 1988

    3. 17th August 1988

    4. 18th August 1988

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin Mcqsforum

  5. 75 Who became President of Pakistan after Gen. Zia
    1. Mr. Ghulam Ishaque Khan

    2. Mr. Waseem Sajjad

    3. Mr. Farooque Khan Leghari

    4. Mr. Mian Mohammad Soomro

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin Mcqsforum

  6. 76 When the Elections to the National and Provincial Assemblies were held in 1988
    1. Aug, 1988

    2. Sept, 1988

    3. Oct, 1988

    4. Nov, 1988

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin Mcqsforum

  7. 77 Who became the Prime Minister in Elections of 1988
    1. Mr. Nawaz Sharif

    2. Mrs. Benazir Bhutto

    3. Mr. Moin Qureshi

    4. Mr. Mairaj Khalid

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin Mcqsforum

  8. 78 When Benazir Government was dismissed by G.I Khan on various charges
    1. 6th August 1990

    2. 7th July 1990

    3. 8th September 1990

    4. 10th December 1990

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin Mcqsforum

  9. 79 Who became Prime Minister of Pakistan after Elections of 1990
    1. Mr. Mian Mohammad Soomro

    2. Mr. Balakh Sher Mazari

    3. Mr. Nawaz Sharif

    4. None of these

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin Mcqsforum

  10. 80 When Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal was established
    1. 1990

    2. 1991

    3. 1993

    4. 1992

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin Mcqsforum