This is Sociology MCQs section with detailed explanations for preparation of screening tests, interviews for government jobs. In this section candidate will learn MCQs on variety of topics from the subject.
Political agency
Human agency
Public agency
None of these
See Answer
Added By: Admin
: Human agency
: N/A
All of above
: All of above
Augustus Comte
Emily Durkheim
Herbert Spencer
: Augustus Comte
All of these
: All of these
Hereditary traits
Social groups interaction
Both ?a & b?
: Social groups interaction
Status in society
Location in history and society
Location in a town
: Location in history and society
Understanding human behavior in broader context of society
Understanding human behavior in narrower context of society
: Understanding human behavior in broader context of society
causes and correlations are essentially the same
correlations always lead to causal explanations
causation cannot be inferred directly from correlation
correlations are one-way causal relationships
: causation cannot be inferred directly from correlation
the shift of employment and service away from the inner city towards multiple centers in smaller towns and rural areas
the degendering of public space as women use local facilities more
gentrification the movement of middle-class people back into the inner city
all of the above
: all of the above
commuters started moving out of villages and into cities
towns and cities were becoming increasingly planned and managed
industrial capitalism led to a shift of population from rural to urban areas
transport systems were not provided so it was easier to live in the city
: industrial capitalism led to a shift of population from rural to urban areas
Lets create some mock tests based on your upcoming test's criteria and evaluate your preparation. This will allow you to identify your weak areas and improve them in time.
20 January: Sukkur IBA University
20 January: Daanish Schools Govt of Punjab
20 January: Balochistan Labour and Manpower Department Govt of Balochistan
20 January: Industries Commerce & Investment Department Govt of the Punjab
20 January: District Headquarters Hospital
20 January: University of Swabi