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Daily Current Affairs 2024 | Current Affairs Today | National & International Updates

29 April, 2024 Daily Current Affairs 2021-2020 Daily/Monthly/Yearly. Below are latest daily current affairs till date. Daily Current affairs include Current Affairs July 2022, Current Affairs June 2022, Current Affairs May 2022, Current Affairs April 2022, Current Affairs March 2022, Current Affairs February 2022 and Onwards. We recommend un-targetted study of below questions as this practice would help you achieve objective with less pressure while you've plenty of time available.

27 February:

 World Bank estimates Feb. 6 earthquakes caused $34.2 bln in damage in Turkey

25 February:

 EU approves 10th package of sanctions on Russia over Ukraine war

24 February:

 FATF suspends Russia's membership over Ukraine war

24 February:

 China releases 12-point policy paper on Russia-Ukraine war

24 February:

 Pakistan abstains from voting on Ukraine resolution of the UN

22 February:

 Seattle has become the first US city to ban discrimination based on caste after a vote by the city council.The caste system in India dates back over 3,000 years and divides Hindu society into rigid hierarchical groups.

22 February:

 Putin suspends landmark nuclear treaty the New START treaty, its last major arms control treaty with Washington.

18 February:

 African Union Ousts Israeli Diplomat. Israel’s senior delegate to the African Union summit in Ethiopia was unceremoniously removed

17 February:

 UN launches $1 bn appeal for Turkey quake victims

06 February:

 China blasts US for shooting down balloon