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Management Inforamtion Systems MCQs MIS Mcqs with Answers

This is MIS MCQs section with detailed explanations for preparation of screening tests, interviews for government jobs. In this section candidate will learn MCQs on variety of topics from the subject.

  1. 141 Data collection terminals are used to report the activity of
  2. 142 A quotation system obtains potential delivery time data from the
  3. 143 An excellent linear programming software package for solving large-scale problems is
  4. 144 There are several careers within data processing operations, including data-entry operator.
  5. 145 The model base contains programs
  6. 146 Hungarian Method is a way of solving Operations Research problems in:
  7. 147 Which of the following statements in correct
  8. 148 It is most important that the data produced by a payment system be
  9. 149 _____ is and always has been wealth, and computers assist us in obtaining this wealth.
    1. Data

    2. Information

    3. Calculation

    4. Network

    5. None of the above

    See Answer

    Added By: Admin

  10. 150 The selection of the solution technique to the implemented by a computing system should be made by